Minsk International Film Awards


Thanks to our excellent prize partners, each winner received a unique prize.

Best Picture

The Last Ember by Carly Hansen

Beyond the Horizon by Will O’Brien

Best Director

Ahmed Rashid -Sands of Time

Helena Varga -The Veil

Best Screenplay

Forgotten Seasons by Oliver Klein

Silent Promises by Maya Carter

Best Cinematography

Golden Fragments by Rajesh Patel

Frozen Paths by Aino Lehtinen

Best Editing

Distant Memories by Michelle Young

Moscow Shadows by Igor Basilevsky

Best Original Score

Echoes of the Heart by Carlos Mendes

Breath of Dawn by Helena Li

Best Actor

Richard Falk -The Narrow Path

Shiro Takahashi -The Sound of Silence

Best Actress

Eliza Novak -Crimson Wings

Aisha Mohamed -Under the Sun

Best New Talent

Felix Andersson -Paper Boats

Daria Kuznetsova -The Final Thread

Best Documentary

Oceans Apart by Sarah Harper

Echoes in the Wind by Lucas Osborne

Best Short Film

Whispered Stories by Jean Duval

Reflections in Time by Caroline Silva

Audience Choice Award

Wings of Tomorrow by Nicholas Pappas

Sunrise Journey by Isabel Tanaka
